Lady Liberty in all her glory
- over 9 years ago
- 614 VŪZ
2 - 6
- Report
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Here's an aerial look at Lady Liberty.
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Looking over the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge

- Chris Bonanno
- 829 VŪZ
1 - 0
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AV News: Rhianna Lakin's Drone Adventures

- AirVūzNews
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DRONED Preview: Dani Drones at Ghost Bar in Las Vegas

- Droned
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The Rock
- Mauro Pagliai
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7 - 6
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Ryan's Ridiculous: Saving Face With MN United FC

- Ryan's Ridiculous
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- Droned
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14 - 6
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"All Wheels Extreme" Show at Valleyfair!

- ValleyFair
- 678 VŪZ
25 - 21
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Wonderful Borobudur Indonesia ( World Heritage Site, UNESCO )
- Sevendrone
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5 - 8
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The Drone Dish: Queen of the Drone

- The Drone Dish
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18 - 13
- almost 9 years ago
DRONED Preview: Dani Heads to the North American Cup West Qualifier

- Droned
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17 - 11
- over 8 years ago