The Drone Dish: Queen of the Drone
- almost 9 years ago
- 14.7k VŪZ
18 - 13
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We have drone royalty joining Ryan on this episode of The Drone Dish! Queen of the Drone, Tressa Cioffi, connects with us from Fort Myers, Florida to share how she became the queen of drones. Her love of flying began when she was given a drone for a real estate shoot. She says she was immediately hooked. From there her hobby grew into a passion for making music videos with her friends and family in her hometown of Fort Myers. Tressa tells Ryan why she thinks South Florida is the perfect place to fly with it's white sand beaches, ocean landscape, and gorgeous views. She says she tries to educate people that don't understand what drones are by showing them the beautiful views UAV's can give us. Ryan asks if she has ever taken off and landed her drone on a boat before; surprisingly it was only once with AirVuz's own Droning America! Turns out it wasn't very easy. Finally, Tressa tells us about her first #dronefail and shows us the hilarious video she made afterwards. If you want to see your work featured on The Drone Dish, send your AirVuz profile to ryan@airvuz.com. Who knows, you could be our next guest!
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