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dogs dronie phantom malamute mountain italy cross fly gransasso abruzzo dji howl pets friends husky poggiopicenze0:41


Mauro Pagl...
#yourvuz pets yourvuz #pets2:30

Wolfie 2.0

Mauro Pagl...
castle italy gransasso sunset surise snow medieval phantom3 djicreator dji4:48

The Rock

Mauro Pagl...
Red-rocks Drone Go-pro aerial-imaging concert1:41

Red Rocks Amphitheater

Sky Candy ...
fpv fpvracingmexico california vazquez-rocks4:40

Calitrip v1

Jaime Cape...
#denver #Colorado #Droning-America #DA #Confluence-park #pepsi-center #mile-high #mile-high-stadium #drone #drones #uav #Chroma #flychroma #Angie-Avestruz #Cherry-Creek Sports-Authority Red-Rocks6:30

Droning America: Denver, CO

Droning Am...
#norway #viking #pilotviking #pilot #drone #cliffs #crazy #mountains #fjord #Espen Hatleskog #Hatleskog #espen #jump #jumping #gopro #heliboogie #heli #flames #fire #flame #parachute #dog #cute #puppy #hoag #ryan #thedronedish #dish #dronedish #superhero #norweigan #rocks #rock #vista #view #landscape #kjerag #instagram #alaskan #malamute #dope #basejumping5:44

The Drone Dish - PilotViking

The Drone ...
#RCI #Ryan #chatfield #images #fail #save #saves #ultimate #tyler #mason #av #news #airvuz #airvuznews #phantom #australia #perth #awesome #epic #viral #yourvuz3:30

AV News: The Ultimate Drone Save

Whale-Watching Bahamas Drones Beautiful nature wildlife ocean0:30

Whale Watching in the Bahamas
