First time flying at Candlestick Park, State Recreation Area
- over 9 years ago
- 525 VŪZ
4 - 1
- Report
First time flying at Candlestick Park with Colby, Larry, Fred, and the other IDRA folks! Thanks for the invite, I had a great time. Roll, pitch, yaw P: 1.2, 1.2, 3.5 I: 50, 50, 90 D: 25, 25, 5 PID Journal for 210mm on Betaflight https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p... Frame: Charpu210 http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/f... Motors: Cobra 2204 2300kv http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/m... ESC: Littlebee 20A http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/e... Flight Controller: Sparky V1. V2 now available. http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/s... Camera: Sony Mini CCD http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/f... VTX: 200mW 32 channel http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/f... Fatshark Dominator V2s http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/f... Goggle Antenna http://www.multirotorsuperstore.com/f...
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